Friday, May 18, 2012

Test Post

We do! So this post all stems from the last 2 nights over at the Marrs house. Let me set the stage...

It's ?:??am in the early morning. Fan's blaring on High in All rooms because it is HOT HOT HOT! Master Bedroom Door slightly ajar. Down the Hall, Derek is fast asleep in his room. I am sound asleep...

and then.

I hear it. 

A faint "mom"

I dart up from my pool of drool.
{not kidding..kind of sick I know}

I sit up ... thinking maybe it was in my dreams. 

then another "mom" confirms that my
Super Mom Hearing Powers were getting a full signal!

Of course what did he need?
Come on Moms! You know this!

a drink of water.

Those little boogers! It's always water.

AND of course when I make my way back into bed... My husband is still snoring away. 
What gives?
It amazes me that our Mom instinct just pops for another example..I was upstairs, and heard Derek downstairs messing around in the kitchen. 
I had a gut feeling to go down and check on him.

Only to find:

Haha! Totally kidding... this is not Derek
But this kid Rocks!

So with these last two nights I have learned:
 To leave water next to Derek 
 That Mom's really do have crazy super powers... kind of mind boggling to me!

Last but not least... I hope all you Mom's had a wonderful Mother's Day!
I was able to hang my super mom cape up for a couple hours. Disabled my Super mom hearing powers, and Enabled  some I Heart Radio.. poolside!